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Road Side Assistance

Discussion in 'Punto 1.3 MJD 90 HP' started by sivaramks, May 26, 2020.

  1. sivaramks

    sivaramks Timido

    Grande Punto 1.3 90 HP

    I need to renew my Car Insurance.
    Currently FG allowed me to opt for Road Side Assistance for Rs. 500 + GST.

    I am aware that MOPER is also offering RSA at higher cost.

    Which is better.
    Please Suggest.

    Car Make : 2014 Punto 90 HP.
    Renewal Date : 9th June 2020.

    Thanks in Advance.
  2. limraj

    limraj Esperto

    Trivandrum / Bangalore
    Linea 1.3
    MOPAR protection can be procured till your car is 7 years. Means, you can opt it in 2021 also. Take 2 years coverage, which will see you through 2023.
    I'm having MOPAR coverage from last 2 years, did not have to opt for RSA luckily. I've not used insurance agency's RSA also. Can't compare the RSA of insurer and MOPAR, hence.
    To me, being with MOPAR gives a feeling that car is covered by Fiat's extended arm.

    It's unlikely for your 6 year Punto to fail, unless you skip periodic maintenance and replace the essentials.
    In such a fail happens and parts are to be changed, FG may get you to nearest garage which they have tie-up, whereas MOPAR gets you to FASS. Please verify the fine print of FG's offer (whether their support is to garage or FASS?). If you would need parts from FASS, you would be stuck at the FG garage.

    Difficult to make a suggestion. However, having an RSA coverage is better.
    rajks likes this.

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