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Fiat Linea/ Punto - "Did You Know" Series....

Discussion in 'Technical' started by VahanPujari, May 15, 2010.

  1. arishi

    arishi Regolare

    Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
    Is this the case with every Emotion & Emotion Pack? My emotion Pack has the jack & Jack key below the stepney, no seperate tool pack :hit :hit
  2. Chaos

    Chaos Regolare

    Edinburgh, Scotland
    What??? my emotion pack has the tool kit separately in a black pouch thingy...
    What is it that am I missing here???
  3. Grandeur

    Grandeur Staff Member Janitor

    :( ... Whats going on? Tool kit are below the stepney. Who all have separate tool kit pouch?
  4. Vahan Pujari saab,
    The solution i mentioned is only for Dynamic Punto and Active Linea.Active Punto has only front power windows.Dynamic Linea has almost everything except ABS Airbags.So its only for Punto Dynamic and Linea Active.pls edit it in the first page

    and ppl the pouch is present in Emotion and E pack.but active,dynamic will have a small circular slot below the Stepney where the tools are placed.looks neat but inconvinient
  5. Gmittal

    Gmittal Amatore

    Eindhoven, Netherlands
    In mine there is a separate tool kit pouch..
  6. arishi

    arishi Regolare

    Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
    So Balaji Thane gave me a Dynamic Tool Kit (I better check the tyre size also) along with Linea spare bulbs. What a superb dealer :A :A :A
    This speaks volumes about this dealer :hit :hit
  7. i dont know whether i can tell this in this thread or any other thread for that matter.If u want to find out the phone number of any of our members.its very easy,i can teach you how.goo.
    http://customercare.tatamotors.com/onli ... oking.aspx
    type the Reg number of the Punto/Linea.u will get the phone number.I think there was a mention about this in Punto Users Group as well.
  8. VahanPujari

    VahanPujari Staff Member Janitor

    :shocked . Not again, Vignesh. I'm still young :!:

    And thanks for the update. Edited the 1st page.

    In my Linea Emotion Pack, I got tool kit in a compact box under stapney. Once when we were at Fiat Service camp, Ashey shown me that in his friends Linea Dynamic (not sure), the tool kit is given in a separate pouch.

    There are many such things which are often funny. e.g. In certain batches of Linea, there are tow hooks given in the Rear bumper (in addition to front bumper obviously) whereas in all other Lineas there is no tow hook in rear bumper. We checked whether its in particular color or in particular batch with particular mfg date or particular variant. Nothing matched.
  9. gautam84


    New Delhi
    Hi Vahan Pujari,
    U mentioned earlier in this thread:
    The stereo in Emotion comes with aux-in feature. Only cable is missing which can be fixed easily...HOW TO DO: (Grandeur – Your turf) The stereo in Emotion comes with aux-in feature. Only cable is missing which can be fixed easily...HOW TO DO: (Grandeur – Your turf)

    Can you please let me know how to fix in a AUX cable..i'm unable to find the port even...
  10. Ravi

    Ravi Staff Member Janitor

    Grande Punto 1.3
    Port is in back side. You have to take out the system out and then fit it in back side.
    Better let the accessory shop guy do that.

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