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Fiat Linea 1.4 FIRE Emotion Pack

Discussion in 'Linea 1.4 Fire' started by VahanPujari, May 16, 2010.

  1. arian

    arian Amatore

    I need some feedback from you on the GC upgrade that I believe you have gone for in your car. I had a minor overhaul of my cars shocks at roughly 60 k. Now the car is at 90000 kms and I anticipate that I ll have to undergo the same process again within sometime in future. How is overall car feel post the GC upgrade. Do you miss the old dynamics?
  2. VahanPujari

    VahanPujari Staff Member Janitor


    Since quite a few days, I was feeling that my Linea goes just slightly to right when I take my hands off the steering. This is after I checked alignment & balancing done and rechecked the same also. I found that there is a leakage in Front Right Side Shock absorber. Got it checked at TCRS, Worli. The shock absorber is leaked and need to be replaced :eek:

    I upgraded GC Kit in Jun'12 i.e. 7-8 months back wherein shock absorbers are replaced to newer ones. Usually replaced parts warranty is 6 months. So, I requested and sent a mail to TCRS. Next day, within 3 hours, I got a reply from TCRS that the part is approved as a goodwill warranty :up.

    Bravo Fiat & TCRS !!


    There are pros & cons.

    The dynamics are affected a bit, just a bit. The feel of earlier Ride and Handling are reduced by about 5 to 10%, if I have to quantify it !

    However, GC is just superb. Never ever, my Linea bottom scraped in any big speed breaker, stone, unevenness, big potholes etc. Earlier, even few undulation is the road used to cause this scrapping. It gives immense relief as whenever, it scrapes, it feels as if someone stabbed our heart !

    So, if you travel to roads where GC could be an issue, you can consider to go for it.

    If you do not feel current GC as an issue, you may decide to continue with the current GC setup with the same old Ride and Handling.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2013
  3. VahanPujari

    VahanPujari Staff Member Janitor

    Last TASS Visit : 26th Dec'12
    Latest TASS Visit: 21st Feb'13 for replacement of Front Right Shock Absorber (took some time to procure the part)

    Almost 2 months :mrgreen: gap in 2 consecutive TASS visits.

    Today my car is again sent to TASS for accidental repairs. City Bus "kissed" the Linea. Rear Right tail light cover got broken, 2 small dents on the fender and couple of minor scratches on bumper. Getting it claimed under insurance as I already had taken a claim this policy year - fender and bumper will be repainted.

    Will get the car back on Wed or Thursday.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2013
  4. karan desai

    karan desai Superiore

    Morbi, Gujrat
    does linea have gas suspension?? theres a strange behavior i observed when cleaning my engine bay. my front suspensions get hard after say 5-6 ups and downs with hands (i hope u get my point). it is like the brake pedal when the car is off. it operates for a couple of times and then it gets hard. same happens to my front suspension. operates for 5-6 times and then it refuses to work, they get really hard. this is the first time i have seen such behavior in suspensions. i dont know what funda works here. may be some of u are aware of?! try it mr.vahan, is it the same in ur car too or theres a problem in my suspension.
  5. Linear

    Linear Amatore

    Perfectly normal imo. The force you can apply with your hands is almost nothing compared to what the car experiences due to it's own weight. At first, the shocks will respond moving the fluid inside, but by their own virtue they will try to resist the pitching / bouncing motion. That is what they are designed to do.
  6. karan desai

    karan desai Superiore

    Morbi, Gujrat
    im not sayin that they should with my hands but the way they do for the first 5-6 times and then they get hard is what keeps me thinking. it might be normal but im curious about how it works. may be its the reason why fiat cars are so good in road manners- soft as well as firm!! i just want to know if its is just my car or all fiats
  7. VahanPujari

    VahanPujari Staff Member Janitor

    Made my Linea "New" again :)

    Got her back after accidental repairs (claimed under Insurance).

    Rear RHS Tail Light replaced.
    Rear RHS Fender repaired and painted.
    Rear Bumper painted.

    Total Bill - Rs. 7930/-
    Expense from my pocket - Rs. 3285/-

    I had 2 TFI stickers pasted on rear bumper. They masked them while painting and the stickers remained intact :)

    Now, next week I'll get the 3M detailing done on her to make her more beautiful :)
    2 people like this.
  8. Ravi

    Ravi Staff Member Janitor

    Grande Punto 1.3
    Where are the pictures Amit.
    May be after 3M treatment.
  9. VahanPujari

    VahanPujari Staff Member Janitor

    3M treatment is being done tomorrow.

    Will definitely take some pics after making her up !! :)
  10. VahanPujari

    VahanPujari Staff Member Janitor

    Here it goes !! Pics of the shining beauty !!

    4 years & 80,000 kms and going strong !!

    2013-03-10_4184 - r.jpg

    5 days after the rear bumper repainted, my driver banged a Swift while reversing :( Swift rear door and fender were completely scratched and dented while Linea's rear bumper had 3 scratches.

    While the accidental repairing and repainting was done, TASS reseted service reminder at 0 km and MID continued to give me a reminder with the reminder spanner symbol continuosly appearing on MID.

    Amogh suggested a DIY method to remove it. While I tried it, nothing seems to have happened, so I thought it did not work. After 3 days when I drove my Linea, I saw that there is no more Spanner symbol on MID. So method suggested by Amogh worked.

    Following is that method:

    Keep the ignition key in completely OFF position (not MAR, but OFF)
    Press the Trip button (on wiper stalk) and hold it pressed for 10 seconds.
    Keep the trip button pressed
    Simultaneously turn the Key to MAR (accessories ON) position
    Continue to hold the trip button pressed for 10 seconds
    Release the trip button

    It's done !
    12 people like this.

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