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Fiat Linea 1.4 FIRE Emotion Pack

Discussion in 'Linea 1.4 Fire' started by VahanPujari, May 16, 2010.

  1. vIjAy_kHaSa

    vIjAy_kHaSa Esperto

    A slight spark is normal. Flow of current with key off is normal in our cars as several systems like BnMe, Immobilizer, Instrument panel, CAN, radio player etc work all the time in Fiats.
    If a relay is malfunctioning you would face starting trouble after parking for 5-6 hrs.

    You would not have noticed the spark earlier because of spray done on battery terminals and clamp by TASS during service which covers the area which is exposed to nature. Usually spark happens when the outside of wire clamp touch the battery terminal loosely.
  2. VahanPujari

    VahanPujari Staff Member Janitor

    My worst fears came true. But finally figured out the cause & solution of the issue the hard way.

    I have always felt that there is some issue with some relay else while connecting -ve terminal why should there be a "tak" noise (with slight sparks) which did never happen earlier?

    Today morning while leaving home for office, the remote key did not work. The car did not start. There are no electrical signals. While in MAR position all needles are at standstill, surprisingly, while key is on OFF position, the needles are vibrating. Even once the RPM needle went quite a way up & came down. Disconnected -ve terminal of battery, took a cab & headed for work.

    A little research on the net shows that my fears were true.

    In all probabilities, a battery/ AC compressor relay seems to have gone. The relay is in a fuse box near the battery. The indication that it's not working is - the error message appears on MID in cold starts "airbag failure pls check owner's handbook". This message appeared in my Linea prior to the old battery drain. The "tak" noise while disconnecting/ reconnecting -ve terminal of battery seems to show that this relay has conked off.

    Once this relay is not working, AC compressor does not cut off even when key is taken out & AC if OFF. In such case, AC compressor continues to draw power from battery.

    I think this may have been the case with my car. Have to get it checked today afternoon once I reach back home.
  3. saharsh

    saharsh Regolare

    Very Sad to hear. I hope your Linea will become Fit after Repairing.:p
  4. VahanPujari

    VahanPujari Staff Member Janitor

    The culprit was AC Compressor Relay


    In the afternoon when I came back home, got the car jump started by the battery guy. Went to Wasan Motors, Kandivali-W (called Works Manager in the morning that I might drop in without appointment). One good thing about Wasan is they accommodate me in such emergency without appointment. Reached at 4:30 pm. Explained the symptoms to SA and also explained him the cause & solution without giving him a chance to do any other trial & error :mrgreen: As soon as I asked him to check AC Compressor relay, he smiled & said it would have definitely gone as it usually happens with Linea:(

    He got the technician check it. Technician exchanges a nearby relay with AC Compressor relay, checked and said relay has gone kaput. In 5 minutes, he changed the faulty relay.

    So guys, if you feel that cranking takes a few fractions of second more & the message "airbag failure, pls check owner's handbook" flashes on MID, get AC Compressor relay checked. This message occurs when there is not enough current to run Diagnostic checks as Vijay mentioned. AC Compressor relay is located in in a Fuse Box near the battery on the right hand side. The bottom most fuse-like plug-like relay is AC Compressor relay. The symptoms of AC Compressor relay going kaput are...

    • "tak" noise (like a swaitch is toggling) when you disconnect -ver terminal of Battery OR
    • "tak" noise when you plug out & plug in the faulty relay.

    Fingers crossed till tomorrow morning. It better works.

    This has to go in Did You Know series thread.

    Got a couple of other things also done.

    • Got Coolant leakage checked. There is a leakage in the hose which needs to be replaced. They did not do it as all the bays were loaded & the TASC was overflowing with cars. I tried asking them to do it tomorrow being Sunday. But there is only 1 SA team works on Sunday and it's not a Fiat team. I've a trip to Surat next week. So, got the coolant topped up. I wanted to puchase ParaFlu coolant bottle. But they do not sell it saying they have it only in barrel and not in bottle. Will send drive on Monday to get the hose replaced.
    • Corner of the Left side Cowl (black plastic under the wiper) near the passenger side A Pillar has come out of it's plug and was jutting out. Got it fixed.
    • Rear Passenger side Door Handle Chrome came out y'day. Got it fixed. Technician did it with FeviQuick :(
    4 people like this.
  5. nkapoor777

    nkapoor777 Regolare

    New Delhi
    You really don't need a technician to troubleshoot, really! I would have loved to see the look on SA's face when you mentioned this to him :).

    Did you have to pay for the new relay? If so, how much?
  6. kaps

    kaps Superiore

    New Delhi
    New Delhi
    Linea 1.4
    One owner's pain is another's peace of mind. Thanks for sharing amit. Definitely belongs to did you know series. One question, is this a DIY thing? Can one just remove the relay and drive to service center, get a new one and replace?
  7. VahanPujari

    VahanPujari Staff Member Janitor

    No. That is another good thing about Wasan. Small Small things like these, it's never bothered. Neither Relay was charged to me nor the coolant top-up. But then they could not accommodate me for change of AC hose and I'll have to go back again. Give & take ?

    The Relay is quite simple to plug out & plug in. It's like a fuse or a plug. But I do not know if you pull it out, what are the implications on running of the car? My guess is, the car should run normally as it's only an AC relay.

    In the morning my only worry was whether Wasan Motors will have the Relay in stock or not. Fortunately it had.
  8. Bala

    Bala Esperto

    Oh,very sad to hear that Amit,Fiat is testing the most passionate owners the most.People do not understand that every car owner is always preoccupied with his work and he can not take off,to attend to the car,which happens more often than attending one's family,but,still,I have to say that a Fiat car is worth it.
    My car is only an active model,so I believe that this problem will not arise.I have always believed that lesser the mechanicals,lesser are the problems(but airbags are a must too)
  9. VahanPujari

    VahanPujari Staff Member Janitor

    Bang on, Bala.

    But thanks to Internet the issue was diagnosed & solved without delay or without posing much problems.
  10. J Ravi

    J Ravi Esperto

    Amit, was the relay like these? If so, kindly clarify which one is the relay for AC as I have two 30 A fuses, 1 big and 1 small. If the relay is a different one, please let me know the amperage, so that I shall buy one spare relay and keep it in my Linea. My guess is the small 30 A is a fuse and big 30 A is a relay.:) The salesman at the Concorde Motors counter was ignorant of the different sizes in 30 A fuses and I ended up having both.
    Linea owner handbook gives details of fuses only and not relays. I bought two spare fuses in each amperage and got two 30 A fuses, 1 big and 1 small.


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