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Fiat Grande Punto MJD Emotion Pk

Discussion in 'Punto 1.3 MJD' started by amit, May 23, 2010.

  1. wolverine_arnab

    wolverine_arnab Esperto

    Timing chain costs 20k??:eek:
    Is the bill amount of 10k normal?or on the higher side??
    OT:For our swift 60k service done from outside where we had to buy all the consumables and stuffs,the bill came somewhere between 5-6k..The car is near 70k kms,no problem whatsoever..
  2. Ganges

    Ganges Esperto

    Driver Seat _/
    Grande Punto 1.3
    20000 INR thats too much,i'm on 58000 KMS :( already spent a lot on tire suspension noise now again this timing chain :(
    is this applicable for 75hp ? :sad1

    i heard last time in FASS that its applicable only for LINEA
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2013
  3. amit

    amit Superiore

    Navi Mumbai
    We will know when the car comes back. Like I said, I had no complaints and it was just the 60K service to be done. As of now, it sounds on the higher side but lets see what fluid's have been changed.

    I believe it is applicable to the 1.3L MJD 90bhp engine only. Hence, both Linea & Punto 90bhp have to get the timing chain replaced at 60K. Can other member's confirm if my understanding is correct?
    1 person likes this.
  4. amit

    amit Superiore

    Navi Mumbai
    Thank you Ramjin :).

    Today morning my colleague spent 4 hours at the dealer waiting for the invoice. Reason? No power! Once I agreed to a manual invoice, he said the dealer is going to put down in writing on the invoice that 'Customer has refused replacement of timing belt!' I blow the top and tell my colleague to ask the dealer to show the circular which says 75bhp needs a timing belt change. Besides, how does the customer refuse changing a part that's not in stock!? The dealer finally agrees and puts down on the invoice that 'Timing chain part not in stock. Customer will be called once it's available'.

    Total amount Rs. 10,937. The job slip, manual invoice & printed receipt still show the same old address & phone numbers.
    If they don't have the new stationary, the least they could have done was used MS Word and attached a print out of the new address & phone number's along with the invoice.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2013
  5. Ravi

    Ravi Staff Member Janitor

    Grande Punto 1.3
  6. nkrishnap

    nkrishnap Staff Member Janitor

    Linea 1.3
    Amit, I dont think the Timing chain costs you anywhere near 20,000. The last I saw the price list around 8 months back was 982 bucks for the 75 hp version MJD. Please do reconfirm with the service center, they are trying to rip you off. The labour should not cost you more than 1600-1800 bucks. All inclusive should not go beyond 3000 bucks.
  7. VahanPujari

    VahanPujari Staff Member Janitor

    I've a Petrol Linea which has a timing belt.

    During 60K kms service, I asked Fortune, Sakinaka for timing belt replacement. It says it's not needed and the belt is good to go. But I still insisted and got it replaced. (Cost is less than Rs. 1000 but the labor was Rs. 4,500 !!)

    After 1 or 2K kms, the car went to Wasan Motors for some repairs. SA tells me that timing belt needs replacement as Fiat made it mandatory to replace it at 60 K kms. I asked him to check his system and be aware that I've already changed that in my Linea. When my driver came back with job card or the slip, I saw SA remarks that "customer refused to change timing belt". I blew my fuse, called that SA and took him to the task. What a escapism attitude - if something goes wrong in future, blame it on customer for refusing to change part !

    Again after 1-2 months, car went to Wasan Motors. Again the same SA. Again the same remarks - Sir, timing belt needs replacement !! I could not decide how to react.

    As against this, my Linea went to TCRS (Tata Car Repair Shop at Worli for 75K kms service). In 5 minutes of my reaching there, SA Prakash came to me. He had in his hands some prints. He looked at it and uttered - ok timing belt is changed at 60K kms bla bla bla. I was so happy. Such minor acts of particularness makes customer put blind trust on such sharp SA's like Prakash.
    1 person likes this.
  8. amit

    amit Superiore

    Navi Mumbai
    Break up of the invoice:

    Engine oil 3.3X577.78 = 1906.67
    Gear oil 1.8X446.22 = 803.20
    Coolant 5X244.44 = 1222.20
    Power Steering 1X435.56= 436.56
    Oil filter = 365.33
    Fuel Filter = 1830.22
    Air Filter = 302.22

    Labour costs:

    Engine oil , oil, fuel & air filter 1440
    brake oil top up / replace 520 (where is brake oil in the parts list?)
    Coolant Replace 900

    Why the labour of 1440 does not include labour for brake & coolant is beyond me.

    A surprise in the invoice was TIMING BELT REPLACED FOC :). Idiots!!
    2 people like this.
  9. Ravi

    Ravi Staff Member Janitor

    Grande Punto 1.3
    Coolant - 5 lts?? Total capacity is 7.6, 40% should be the coolant, so around 3 lts. Where did they put 2 lts??
    And 900 as labor for replacing it, its day light robbery.
  10. nkrishnap

    nkrishnap Staff Member Janitor

    Linea 1.3
    Completely agree Ravi. Unless the bill is scrutinized at the time of billing and get it sorted right away. These service centers are in a business where the sole moto is to make as much money as possible whether it is ethical or not is not that something they are bothered about. There are exceptions too, but they are too far and too few.

    I had raised this concern in one of the other threads, but the thread took a different turn itself.

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