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DIY - Car Care & Detailing thread

Discussion in 'Do It Yourself' started by VahanPujari, May 30, 2010.

  1. kunwar.g

    kunwar.g Superiore

    Grande Punto 1.3
    PB Black Hole is a Glaze and not Polish.
    Also, not neccessary to do IPA wipedown after all Polish, only required for polishes which have oil content which can hinder the bonding of a sealant with paint. Eg Meguiars UP

    Wash should be done atleast 1 a month, unless you are doing waterless almost every day. **since our climate has so much dust**

    I have got the OB Punto, and I can very well understand the efforts you will have to put through to maintain yours
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2014
  2. ghodlur

    ghodlur Esperto

    @mchanna Thanks for the info reg the autotrends. Its a good site with lot of accessories. But the more I look the more I get confused. I am unable to guage "bang on the target" information. Should I use a good car wash shampoo only or should I try the Wash n wax products.
    mchanna likes this.
  3. mchanna

    mchanna Esperto

    Linea T-Jet
    @Girish, it depends buddy. I don't wax very frequently so I prefer wash n wax type shampoo.
  4. kunwar.g

    kunwar.g Superiore

    Grande Punto 1.3
    Wash and Wax products are being sold worldwide and they do the job they are intended for. If you wash your car regulary ( atleast 2 times a month ) and its has already been treated with sealant + wax then the W&W solution will be good and quick to keep the layer of some protection on paint.

    If you are washing your car and then want to do some paint protection or even just apply glaze and then sealant + wax then should not use W&W, use a Ph neutral car shampoo so that there is no hindrance to bonding of either of the products.
    mchanna likes this.
  5. puntopunter

    puntopunter Novizio

    so what polish you would suggest. Also if you can share your maintenance routine
  6. kunwar.g

    kunwar.g Superiore

    Grande Punto 1.3
    Well with polishes its not an easy decision. Depends on what paint quality, condition of paint and method of application. If you are going to use by hand would recommend Meguiar's Ultimate Polish. You will be amazed to see the sad condition of brand new cars under light inspection. Loads of swirls donated by the generous cleaning done by the labours there.

    After around a month of buying the car, I did paint correction with Poorboys SSR 2.0 and finshied with Poorboys SSR 1.0. Then applied Poorboys BH. All by rotary and CG Hexa pads. After this applied Poorboy's Ex-Sealant, after leaving it to cure for 12 hours topped with Poorboy's Natty Blue Wax. Now routine is cleaning the car with MF towels and ProKlear's RAW. Gets done in about 600ml of water. Once a month pressure wash, followed by 2 Bucket method washing. Drying and then topping with a layer of Natty Blue Wax.

    The main pain area is the Plastic moulding which has the water sprinkler on it. Man it gets dirty real fast and turns grey. It's an Eye sore.

    For you I recommend inspecting the paint with help of LED torch or LED of your mobile if it has it. Then decide if it needs paint correction or not. Do invest in some good MFs, cause those will touch your paint more than anything during a waterless wash.
    mchanna likes this.
  7. puntopunter

    puntopunter Novizio

    my car has little bit of swirls not much though as its just 15 days old and has been pressured wash and foamed once. and no other cleaning till now, not even daily wipe with cloth or duster.
    thinking of getting paint protection done by a good detailer for first time.
  8. Linear

    Linear Amatore

    Good luck with finding a good detailer. They are not very common.
  9. puntopunter

    puntopunter Novizio

    That's what I understood today after talking to few of them, most of them don't even know what is claying, finally went ahead with one. The car has been going through the process as I write let see how it turns out.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 16, 2014, Original Post Date: Oct 16, 2014 ---
    This is what they did as a paint protection package.
    1) pressured wash with car shampoo
    2) 3M clay with meguiar's lube.
    4) Meguiar's Diamond cut Polish
    5) Meguiar's Hi tech Yellow Wax

    I would say they did ok job, not that great though that i wanted but considering the amount they charged which is Rs 1300, i think its value for money.
  10. kunwar.g

    kunwar.g Superiore

    Grande Punto 1.3
    @1300 think there is not more that you could ask for. Do share some pics of current condition and who did the job.

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