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DIY - Car Care & Detailing thread

Discussion in 'Do It Yourself' started by VahanPujari, May 30, 2010.

  1. Viny

    Viny Esperto

    Got Turtle Wax Black Box Kit, Anyone wanna share a hand, this one takes 4-5 rounds over the car to complete the process

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  2. anoop

    anoop Superiore

    Bangalore, India, India
    @viny: not to discourage you, but I think using a colored wax on the clear coat is a wrong approach. This 'may' work well on paints which do not have clear coat, but in our case, we are working on clear coat. Trying to dye a clear coat may work in shor term - that is, it may hide the swirl marks for some time, but in long term, it will compound your present paint problems.
    I would advise you to stay away from these colored waxes.
  3. Viny

    Viny Esperto

    anoop: I understand what you are trying to point out, but my car is 2+ yrs old black in color and I have to drive it through mad and chaotic traffic of 2 wheelers, so unwanted scratches are a daily gift. The car cleaner is does a shoddy job, so world class swirls are there, i have in past done a lot of wax polishing, but now age has been showing up slowly, i have seen some real good results on black cars, so for time being i am going to give it a try.

    And unlike other colors, black cars need a lot of workout in maintaining it.

    Also looking for clay kit, any suggestions?
  4. anoop

    anoop Superiore

    Bangalore, India, India
    @Viny: I will still say, the correct way is to restore the shine is to fix the paint defects from the top clear coat and restore it so that the color coat is clearly visible. your clear coat may be damaged but it is still there. Why don't you try to give your car to a good professional detailer so that the swirl marks and blemishes etc can be cleaned using a buffing machine and then use a Collinite or something similar to keep the car shining.

    For clay kit, you can either go for mothers or meguires. Both are equally good.

    I agree maintaining black color cars are not easy - maintaining black color cars for more than 12 years have certainly taught me that lesson ;)
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2012
  5. gurjinder

    gurjinder Staff Member Janitor

    @ Anoop

    How thick is the clear coat normally ( On our B segment, C segment cars) ?

    How many "buffings" can the clear coat easily take before it starts to get dangerously thin. :confused:

  6. sungoa2010


    I am using collinite 915 and it is clear coat safe.
    I do waxing once in 3-4 months. I do daily dusting and a weekly wash with plain water.
    Is it ok if do simply waxing.
    I do a thorough shampoo wash before waxing.Wil it remove the preveous wax?
  7. anoop

    anoop Superiore

    Bangalore, India, India
    @gurjinder paaji: I am always curious to know the answers to the questions you asked, but unfortunately, i do not have come across a Paint thickness gauge here in India, so that I can measure and know the info first hand. They are costly (around 600 $ or so) so, never ventured in to invest into one.

    From what I have read in many international forums, the clear coat thickness is around 2-3 mils (mil is thousandth of an inch) which is roughly 50 to 75 µ (micron). Of this, you can safely remove only 0.3 to 0.5 Mil (7.5 to 12 µ).

    (1 µ = 1 micron = 1 micrometer = .001 millimeter
    1 mil = .001 inch = 25.4 µ
    1 micron = 0.0393700787 mil )

    Using a medium abrasive polish and a rotary polisher will remove approximately 2.5 - 3µ (0. 1 Mil) from the paint surface, which is typically four passes at 1500-1800 RPM; however many variables such as polish/compound and speed / pressure used that may affect the paint removed)

    Source : http://www.autopia.org/forum/epic-threads/136546-clear-coat-thickness-paint-removal-polishing.html

    This is a good read about paint thickness - they have many points which otherwise are scattered across many other threads \ forums.

    @sungoa2010: It is perfectly ok to wax your car as much as you want since wax is non abrasive. The method you follow is good.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2012
  8. gopscreative

    gopscreative Amatore

    Does anyone know, where can we get Dupoint tyvek cover in bangalore?
  9. anoop

    anoop Superiore

    Bangalore, India, India
    @gops: Did you try the showroom? they have a tyvek cover listed under accessories, so they may be able to get it for you. Reliance autozone used to carry tyvek covers - not sure about round the year availability though.

    Polco makes car cover using tyvek from dupont. You can buy the cover online from polco website - the price for tyvek cover from Polco for Punto is 3,125.

    Polco India - Car Cover Manufacturers in India, Bike Covers, Car Covers India
  10. gopscreative

    gopscreative Amatore

    @anoop, I want a cover for Hyundai Verna.The link you have listed is not working!!

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