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DIY - Car Care & Detailing thread

Discussion in 'Do It Yourself' started by VahanPujari, May 30, 2010.

  1. Cinju

    Cinju Esperto

    Hmmm let me guess 3-4 hrs ??
  2. anoop

    anoop Superiore

    Bangalore, India, India
    Nope. All it took was less than 15 minutes ;)

    2 minutes for a dust down using Jopasu duster, and about 10-12 minutes for cleaning the entire car using Optimum No Rinse (spray and wipe down).

    Just wanted to post this photos as a proof that water wash in NOT needed unless the car is really dirty :)
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2011
  3. Cinju

    Cinju Esperto

    Oops..better luck next time. Even if it is real dirty Optimum wont work ? This should be like Collin spray right. Whole lot of good products are there in the market and choosing good ones are really tough . Somehow my mind is not allowing me to go for a waterless wash :)
  4. anoop

    anoop Superiore

    Bangalore, India, India
    If there is dirt particles and grit, you need to do water wash. In my case, it was only water marks - there was no mud or sand particles, so ONR did the trick.

    Try ONR - once you use it, you will never go back :)

    It have been more than 3 months since I got ONR and I have not done a single water wash till today.
  5. Phew

    Phew Esperto

    New Delhi/Mohali
    Grande Punto 1.3
    Anopp bhai how do u plan on keeping the grill and door handles black like new

    Harmony & chaos
  6. kedarbendre

    kedarbendre Esperto

    MH 12
    Details please.... What is this Optimum No Rinse. What product you are using? How do you wipe down? Using MF Cloth?
  7. anoop

    anoop Superiore

    Bangalore, India, India
    Right now, i have applied Meguiars Ultimate Protectant to restore the shine back, and it is holding well for last 3+ months. Future plans are, as and when it starts fading, will again for for Meguiars Ultimate Protectant or Mothers Plastic protectant.

    Optimum No Rinse - http://www.waterless-car-wash.net/optimum-no-rinse/ http://www.auto-mall.in/1/post/2011/3/optimum-no-rinse-wash-shine-now-in-india.html

    It is very easy to clean your car using ONR. After diluting to the required concentration, use a good quality spray bottle to wet the surface of the car with ONR. After that, use a good quality MF to wipe down. It will take care of cleaning the car, restoring the color, cleaning of mineral etchings, dirt marks, smudges etc.

    I use 50 Ml ONR and 450 ML water to make the solution, and I am using blue MF from 3M to wipe down. This blue MF is NOT available over the counter in India, but it is much much better than the yellow MF of 3m.
  8. anoop

    anoop Superiore

    Bangalore, India, India
    Do not just clean the windshield, Clay it!

    How clean is a clean glass?

    I regularly clean my windshield with Collin and water (once in a week) and wipe down with MF and tissue papers, so i frankly did not had much expectation when I decided to clay my windshield.

    After reading about many people experiences about claying the windshield, I ordered for a single clay bar by Meguiars (80 gms) from BB Impex. the Dussera holidays did play a small havoc and at last, I got the pack in my hands on Friday.

    Sunday I decided to try the clay on my windshield and I was really surprised to see the grime the clay picked up from my windshield. Now I can confidently say that my windshield is really clean. I used QD as clay lube and after clay-ing, I cleaned the windshield using a clean MF, followed by soft tissue paper.

    the recommended schedule is to clay the windshield once in 6 months, under normal conditions.

    Try it - you will not be disappointed.
  9. sungoa2010


    Anoop, Thanks for a informative post. What is the cost of Meguiars (80 gms). My wipers used to make a drrr noise due to the dirt in windscreen. I used to use same cloth to wash the body and windscreen. I think it might have caused a little amount of wax coating on my windscreen(I used to wax my car every 4 months). Then I wiped the wipers with tissue paper many times and washed the windscreen with windscreen washer.Now it is fine , but I don't feel the clarity I used to get in initial days.
  10. Italia-Linea

    Italia-Linea Staff Member Janitor

    i have tried all different possibilities of keeping my tuscan wine linea swirl free. but its not possible in india to keep it swirl free for long.

    i am using the jopasu car duster since 1 year. its a very good product and saves lots of effort. but over the period of constant dusting it becomes very dirty and loses is capability.
    initially i washed it with plain water and it surely lost its dirt picking capacity. then i washed it with a solution of car wash and wax. so the threads again regained some wax.

    i am using collinite 845 and turtle wax. for daily purpose the best product is Meguiars quick detailer spray which gives you just waxed looks. for interiors i am using meguiars natural shine. its not glossy.

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